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Baby on the Way? 3 Amazon Tips to Save for your Little One! | Financial Fatherhood
“As I type this, my first child is due just a little over 2 weeks from now and, as a personal finance fanatic (a.k.a. Cheapskate), I wanted to find the best ways I can save some money for all the items my wife and I will need for his arrival without sacrificing quality and safety. Kids can be expensive! According to different studies, your baby’s first year can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000 so finding ways to save can be critical to reach your financial goals. What I found is Amazon.com can actually be a great tool to help you save!”

Teach Kids Money! 3 Tips to use an Allowance to Teach Personal Finance | Financial Fatherhood
“One of those tough parenting challenges is trying to get your children to understand the value of a dollar. You want them to be provided for but don’t want them to feel entitled or think their toys or video games just appear out of thin air. Most importantly, you want them to be prepared for the future.”

3 Easy Tips for Parents to set up their Kids for Financial Success | Financial Fatherhood
“Growing up is HARD. Once you’re about 18 years old, most people expect you to start your life all on your own and that can be scary… What if you could give your child a head start?”

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