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Boost your Credit Score Now in 6 Easy Steps!

Boost your Credit Score Now in 6 Easy Steps!

“Building Good Credit is one of those things many people don’t understand. It’s a subject commonly avoided, like asking someone their salary. But honestly, building good credit is something anyone can do with a little understanding and discipline. These tips can help you go from No Credit (or bad Credit) to Good Credit Fast!”

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Avalanche vs Snowball Debt Repayment Methods: The Good, The Bad, and The Side-by-Side

Avalanche vs Snowball Debt Repayment Methods: The Good, The Bad, and The Side-by-Side

“Debt… The Destroyer of Financial Stability. High Interest debt especially can erode ones ability to save for retirement, plan for emergencies, or even get so bad they can’t pay their bills. Getting rid of that high interest debt is key to developing financial stability. Two main methods experts talk about for this are the Avalanche Method and Snowball Method.”

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5 Common Myths about Money: BUSTED!

5 Common Myths about Money: BUSTED!

“What to do with your money is something parents, friends, and neighbors love to give unsolicited advice about. Now, their advice could have been necessary for them or was learned from making some unfortunate financial mistakes, but that doesn’t make it true for us.”

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