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How to Split Finances in a Relationship: The 50/50 Method or The Income Percentage Split Method
“Unfortunately, the second leading cause of divorce after infidelity is dispute over finances. One way some couples try and avoid this is by separating their finances. There are a few ways to go about this, but since most “serious” couples tend to end up living together, they will inevitably end up with some shared expenses. The two most common methods are the 50/50 and Income Percentage Splits.”

5 Simple Strategies to Save More Money NOW!!!
With Inflation at a 40 year high, a falling GDP, and frequent layoffs, there is no better time than now to start Saving More Money! These 5 Simple Strategies are ones you can start RIGHT NOW at NO COST to you! You can’t afford to wait!

3 Millionaire Mindset Changes to Increase your Net Worth!
“If you’ve ever watched the pre-game to any kind of sports event, you’ll probably notice most of these pro players sitting off to themselves, headphones on, looking like they're just trying to tune out the world. That’s what they are doing from the outside because what they’re doing on the inside is so incredibly important. They’re getting their mindset right for the game so they can be successful. They’re trying to visualize and remember the most important aspects of their game so they can succeed on the court or the field. But when it comes to personal finance, what’s the right mindset for becoming a Millionaire?”

Teach Kids Money! 3 Tips to use an Allowance to Teach Personal Finance | Financial Fatherhood
“One of those tough parenting challenges is trying to get your children to understand the value of a dollar. You want them to be provided for but don’t want them to feel entitled or think their toys or video games just appear out of thin air. Most importantly, you want them to be prepared for the future.”

5 Common Myths about Money: BUSTED!
“What to do with your money is something parents, friends, and neighbors love to give unsolicited advice about. Now, their advice could have been necessary for them or was learned from making some unfortunate financial mistakes, but that doesn’t make it true for us.”

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