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The 7 Stages of Financial Independence
“It takes time to reach ideal financial freedom. There are typically 7 different stages of Financial Independence but everyone’s path is different. This is the most realistic path for the average person to reach Financial Independence.”

The “Rule of 72” and How it Works
The “Rule of 72” is actually a formula which can let you know either how long in years an investment will take to double at a specific rate or what rate of return you need for an investment to double over a specific timeframe. Essentially, if you know either an expected rate of return or a timeframe you hope your investment to double in, you can solve for the other value.

The 5 Different Types of Financial FIRE
“In fact, there are many different types of FIRE with different methods and goals for how to get there. We’ll talk about the 5 most common now!”

Dividends Explained: Investing for Cash Flow
“In any strategy, one thing to consider for at least supplementing your portfolio is dividend stocks and how they may help your portfolio grow.”

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