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ETFs Explained: How to Get Rich Slowly!

ETFs Explained: How to Get Rich Slowly!

“Often touted as the “Smart way to buy into the Stock Market”, ETFs are considered one of the best and easiest ways for beginners to start investing. But why is that? What does ETF even stand for, what are they, and how can they help you get rich? Well, let’s get into it.”

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What is a “Recession” and How do we Thrive in It?

What is a “Recession” and How do we Thrive in It?

“At a recent congressional hearing, Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell, finally acknowledged that the steps being taken to curb inflation may lead us into a recession. The big, scary “R” word… Even Cardi B has been tweeting about it. But what actually is a Recession? How much does it affect the average person? And what steps should we take to get through one?”

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3 Millionaire Mindset Changes to Increase your Net Worth!

3 Millionaire Mindset Changes to Increase your Net Worth!

“If you’ve ever watched the pre-game to any kind of sports event, you’ll probably notice most of these pro players sitting off to themselves, headphones on, looking like they're just trying to tune out the world. That’s what they are doing from the outside because what they’re doing on the inside is so incredibly important. They’re getting their mindset right for the game so they can be successful. They’re trying to visualize and remember the most important aspects of their game so they can succeed on the court or the field. But when it comes to personal finance, what’s the right mindset for becoming a Millionaire?”

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Should you Pay off your Mortgage Early?
Real Estate, Mortgage, Home Buying, Housing Mike Klooster Real Estate, Mortgage, Home Buying, Housing Mike Klooster

Should you Pay off your Mortgage Early?

“Congrats! You bought a house! That’s amazing! Of course, now you have this large debt burden hanging over your head for the next 15 to 30 years and you’re a little worried. You’ve considered trying to pay it off early but not sure that’s the best idea. Well, if you’re wondering if you should pay off your mortgage early, the answer is; it depends.

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